The Society was delighed to welcome family, friends, neighbours and visitors to the recent book launch of “Regency Square, its history and its stories” to celebrate the bicentenary of the Square. The photo above shows, from left to right, Society Treasurer Nicola Floyd, author Gill Wales, Society Chair Diana Dunn, Society Secretary Suzanne Hinton, committee member Ros Boulden, Cllr Alex Philips, committee member Julie Wright and  Cllr Tom Druitt.  Baby Rafe (son of Cllrs Philips and Druitt) ably assisted throughout.

The book has been written pro bono by Gill Wales and Suzanne Hinton. It was funded by the Society and all profits from the book will go to the Society to fund further activities.

It would have been impossible to include everything about Regency Sqaure in a book of 130 pages and 40 illustrations.  Keep and eye on the History page of this site to find out more about the Square.

The Regency Square book is available directly from the Society at £12.95 (non-members) or £10.00 for Society members (+£2 pp if required).  Contact the society at: s(at) – replacing (at) with @. The book is also available at City Books, Western Road, Hove as well as in the i360 Gift Shop and in the Nigel Rose Gallery, both on the  Lower Promenade, Brighton.

Many thanks to Tony Mould for the photograph and to My Brighton and Hove website which has promoted the book.